Monday, July 24, 2006

A few notes...

1. I bought new deodorant. Now I smell like someone else.

2. It's been really hot lately. I guess the whole world is going through some kind of heat wave. Why is it that when the heat is on in Europe, I always read reports of old people in France dying? It's like the barometer for how hot it really is. "Only 12 old people have died this year - not that bad." What the hell are they doing to their old people? Are they keeping them in the attic or something? C'mon France! Pull yourself together.

3. The job search continues. I have a strong lead in Hamburg, a medium-strength lead in Frankfurt, and lots of emails out to people who are supposedly hiring. I have an interview at a tiny agency here in Hamburg on Wednesday.

4. I've been thinking about trying for a job in Asia... more specifically, Shanghai, Beijing, or Hong Kong. Now that would be a change! Going from The States to Western Europe wasn't really a big deal. My culture shock was pretty much cured once I got a few plug adapters. But Asia would really be a whole new world. I couldn't even fake the language like I can here ("Danke! Zu hosen bitte!"), and everyone would look different than I do. But I really do like the sound of "I worked in Hong Kong for a couple of years", and I really do see Asia as the next big advertising market explosion (in a good way). Plus, if you go to flickr and look up pics of Hong Kong, there's some really great stuff.

5. I'm going going back back to Cali Cali (name that tune!) for the month of August. Fun! I'll go to the Historics with Dad and Elizabeth Holt's birthday extravaganza. Just like old times!

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