I've been struggling to write radio spots that don't completely blow ass (at the moment I'm shooting for spots that just blow a little ass) for Sparkasse, a local bank, and I thought of the spot below. It's a rip off of a campaign that is far, far superior to anything I could ever write, and it's kinda racist. But if it makes anyone feel better, all the Asian stereotypes I know were taught to me by my Asian friends while sitting in a Chinese restaurant lovingly dubbed "The Dirty Place". I'm a big winner.
Sparkasse presents: Real clients of genius. Today we salute you, Mr. Cheap Chinese guy. Can't sleep? Maybe that’s because you're using the mattress as your savings account. Who can trust a bank anyway? They’ve only been around for a thousand years. So crack open an ice cold checking account and a Bud Light. And go ahead and spill that beer on the remote - we know it’s covered in plastic, just like the couch.
Sometimes I amuse no one but myself.
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