Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thänksgiving in Hamburg

Thänksgiving in Hamburg, originally uploaded by dpieracci.

My boss Jan was kind enough to invite me to his International Thanksgiving Extravaganza. Okay, it was just dinner at his house, but it was still wonderful, and very sweet of him to invite this expat over for some good ol' 'Merican turkey and cranberry sauce from a can.

There were seven of us total: Annie, the Rexhausen family au pair from New York, Annie's mom, who smuggled in the ingredients and did most of the cooking, two of Annie's friends (I can't remember their names, but they were very nice) and of course Jan and his wife Katherine. Jan and Katherine's kids made a brief appearance, and Wallace the cat was fat and lovable all evening.

And a delicious time was had by all. The house was filled with the scents of the season as we started on squash soup, moved on to turkey, stuffing, yams, green beans and gravy, and finished with two kinds of pie. When the eating was done, I felt fat and happy, both belly and soul full. A home-cooked meal made with love is always healthy.

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