Monday, July 23, 2007


I went across the street to the other JvM building today to get the good coffee, and I got to talk to my friend The Lovely Ms. S. We did the how-was-your-weekend exchange, and when it was her turn, this is approximately what she said with a totally straight face, without missing a beat:

I went to visit my aunt to help her. She lost her husband a year ago, and now she's starting to die. She's an alcoholic, and we had to set up her will and sign her up to be an organ donor.
It's this kind of straight forward, no bullshit rhetoric that makes me really appreciate the Germanosity of German people. I've seen this sort of thing before; it usually goes something like this:

ME: What do you think German person?

GERMAN PERSON: I think it totally sucks.

ME: Well okay then.
Why mince words? Let's deal with reality right here and now. You go girl(s).

Anyways, the other thing I found interesting about this whole conversation was the alcoholic who wants to donate her organs. Organ donation is as noble an action as any other, but I'm sure there are health restrictions. For example, if you're a non-smoking, non-drinking athletic organic food type who spends your life meditating, massaging, and yoga-ing, then I'd imagine your organs would be more sought after than those coming out of an alcoholic, chain smoking prostitute with herpes and a bad attitude (not that The Lovely Ms. S's aunt are any of these things). But I'm sure that the number of people needing an organ far exceeds the number of donations, so it's probably a take-what-you-can-get sorta thing.

But who gets the alcoholic liver? Do you have to be an alcoholic to receive it? Does it come with instructions?

Care and maintenance for your new organ: Thank you for installing this high quality, second-hand human organ. Please note that due to its alcoholic nature, you'll need to drink like a fish to keep it healthy. We recommend large quantities of box wine and vodka.
That would be a fun label to see hanging off of a shiny new organ. Though if I had to drink to get a liver, I think I'd prefer to kick the bucket.

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