I'm sick of people calling Al Gore and the like hypocrites because they proselytize a low carbon footprint, but still use a lot of energy. They shout hypocrisy and sarcastically say Do as I say, not as I do, when really, they're missing the bigger point.
Yes, Al Gore travels from speech to speech in big, heavy, secure SUVs. He has no choice because a) he needs the protection and b) these overweight, inefficient cars are the only option. We let the auto corporations do whatever they want so they can maximize every cent of profit with no regard for the planet. There isn't a light weight, fuel efficient alternative that suits his needs because there's not enough incentive for auto makers to build one.
Yes, Al Gore uses three thirty inch computer monitors in his office. And the monitors he's using are a thousand times more efficient than old school alternatives.
One fabulous part about the new green movement is that it encourages technological innovation so that we don't have to make drastic lifestyle changes to protect the planet. Pissing and moaning about Al Gore isn't going to help as much as pushing companies to create and innovate.
Think seat belts and airbags. Good ideas, right? Yet the auto industry had to be dragged kicking and screaming into making those innovations happen. They whined about bottom lines and how it would kill their business, they lobbied the government until they were blue in the face. They did the same thing to keep fuel efficiency standards low, except here they were successful.
But what a load of horse shit. Here's what I say: What kind of pussy ass company are you running? Work hard and make a good product better and shut the fuck up. We should be able to drive big cars and use the computer equipment we need, and we will if these ridiculous corporations would stop whining and get to work doing what Americans do best: innovating.
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